Friday, June 19, 2009

The peace that passes all understanding....

They are two types of peace. One is the peace that the world gives. This peace is superficial and passive. It is the absence struggles such as war, etc. Let us not be confused by the reference to war. The ending physical fighting between nation, sub national groups, or individuals. while very important, Is only the stopping of physical attacks. True peace is in the heart and it is from God. Those who have not accepted Christ into the core of they souls, as they Lord and Savior can know only the peace that comes from the absence of emotional, verbal, or physical conflict. Without Christ in the core of your soul you can not know the peace that passes understanding i.e. the peace that the Savior gives, Ephesians 2:14. The peace that our Savior gives is a deep and active peace. His peace fills us full of joy. It drives to share Him with our fellow humans so that they can know "that peace that passes all understanding Philippians 4: 6-7. His peace was with Steven when he became the first martyr. That everlasting peace that passes all understanding was with apostle Paul when he was beaten, shipwrecked, and behead. We can have that peace that passes understanding. But, to have it we must trust Jesus, if necessary even unto death, as Steven and the apostle Paul did. If you are reading this blog I appeal to you. Do not delay in coming to Jesus. You may think that another 80-100 years. Do not deceive yourself you could within the next second.
He loves you and is calling you to to the peace that passes all understanding. He wants to give you life everlasting (John 3: 16). Try to imagine this, by the grace of God you have been with your Savior a trillion times a trillion Earth Years. That unimaginable span of times will have no meaning when compared to eternity.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Love and joy

Were does lasting joy cone from? Does it come from health, money, fame, or power? I submit to you that it comes from none of the above. Certainly health is not lasting. We all know of cases were a person was in good health and within a short time they in poor health, dieing, or were dead. I can think of no better example of the non-lasting nature of money than the current economic problems that are gripping the U.S. and the world. In terms of His earthly ministry our Lord is and excellent of the non-ladting nature of fame. At one point the crowds were crying "hosana to the King", Mark 11:8. But not long thereafter they were screaming "crusify Him" "crusify Him", Mark 15:13. We all know that power is fleeting, President Nixon is and example of this. In his second election to the presidency he carried forty-nine of the fifty states. Within two years or less he was ask to resign by leaders of his own party. Regardles of differences of opinion concerning Watergate his experience illustrates the non-lasting nature of power.

Now that we have discussed examples of what doesn't even bring lasting joy. Let us turn to source of everlast joy. Love i.e. God is that source. Who is God and what does he do for us that causes us to rejoyce. This question is answered by the following Bible verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life", John 3:16. It is inconcieable that we could have life everlasting and not experence everlasting joy. How can we not rejoyce when we think that since Christ is God, God in the person of Christ died on the cross for us. Joy should fill our hearts when we think that He died so that all who believe in him "should not perish but have everlasting life". We have every reason to be joyful forever in God who loves with His everlasting love. The Bible says that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son", but the promise of everlasting life was only to those who believe in Him. Those who believe in God's Son are encompassed in His everlasting life. What more can be said as to the source of everlasting joy. Since, "God is love" 1 John 4:8, and nothing and no one is greater than Him He is the only source of everlasting joy. I pray that everyone, who is usaved, that reads this will find Christ. I also, pray that may fellow believers will come to a deeper understanding of Him.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The fruit of thr Sprint, Gal. 5:22!

The Bible says that "God is love." Paul list nine fruits of the Sprint. These fruits are LOVE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Keep in mind that these are the fruits of the Sprit of God. Since "God is Love" (1 John 4:8) the other eight fruits flow from Love therefor these are the fruits of His very being. This first posting will deal with Love, 1 Cor. chapter 13. Because God is Love, Love is the ultimate purpose and meaning of life. If you are the President of of the United States or a janitor do your job out of love for God and those that you serve. Love is not something different from life. Just as our bodies die without food our souls die without Love(God). They exist forever but they can not live without Love(God), 1 John 4:8. Jesus died that we might be saved and that we may learn to love as He has loved us. Accept Him as your Savior and you will not only exist, but you will live forever (John 3:16). May god bless and you, now and to eternity.

Monday, February 2, 2009

God is Love

We speak of Love as if it (He) is one of many things/persons. Love is not a thing and "it" is not one of many, Because God is Love, 1 John 4:8. Now that we have established that God is Love. We need to be clear that we are not talking about love without justice. It will not be alright for all mankind in eternity. The exception to His love is evil/sin. My understanding of hell is much much worse than just being physically burned. I believe that the most horrible aspects of hell will be the absence of God, the love of others, and of yourself. The one thing that God will not and cannot do is to violate his nature. Overlooking sin would voliate his nature and destroy all that is holy. That is why He can not allow unrepentant sinner into Himself, He is Love. He has given us no greater expression of his Love than the death of Crist our Savior on the Cross and his ressurrection from the dead that we may live forever more. God bless you for now and to eternity.